
Unattainable Illusions +Ch 7+

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Wrath-Chu's avatar

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"What the hell was going on out there...?" Hughes groaned, rubbing his eyes as he looked up to Roy as Al threw his arms around Hughes’ waist.

"It was Nii-san Colonel...And Star!"

Hughes looked down. "Al...You know that they are-"

"No! They aren't Colonel they're not! They are inside the homunculi! I know it! Ask Furhur Mustang!" Hughes looked up to Roy and cocked his head.

"The boy isn't lying..." He said with a sharp grin as Hughes' eyes grew wide.

Hughes shook his head. "I can't believe it! That really happened!?"

"Sure did!" Al squeaked.

"We saw it with out own eyes" Roy smiled.

"Then there's still a chance..." Hughes whispered.

"Why is there so much noise in here?!" Breda snapped. "Geez...You three can at least keep quiet...Do you have any idea what time it is!?"

"Breda! Brother!! It's brother and Star. They aren't completely gone!" He squeaked. "They are just inside the body of Pride and Wra-" At hearing the young sin’s names each of the other the men squeaked and twitched, Fury still had a good bruise under his chin and Havoc as well.

"That's impossible!" Fury exclaimed after a couple of minutes so he could gather his wits.

"Oh no it isn't!" Al smiled.

"Taisa! Can't a woman get some sleep!?" Riza groaned, at hearing the woman’s voice all of the men's heads turned. Her hair was on her shoulders and she wore a loose sleep-shirt. Her eyes instantly widened when she noticed the men in the room. "I'm sorry...I didn't know-"

"N-No...It's ok..." Roy stuttered, the man looked as if he were under a spell. Al sighed and slightly nudged him in the shoulder once Riza arched an eyebrow. Al told her what had happened as she shook her head.

"You...You're sure...?"

"Positive!" Al squeaked.

"I can't believe you guys trust this so easily...What if-"

"But I've never told Pride anything before! He knew my name...It was Nii-san! I know it was!"

Riza nodded. "I'll take your word for it...But I hope you know...That doesn’t mean we can take it easy on them..."

Roy nodded slightly in response to the Lieutenant’s response. "She's right Al...They're still killing my men and we can't just look past it..."

"We'll have to come up with something then and I...Think I have a plan." Al smiled, nodding.

Pride had soon returned, by the time the boy got back to the house his eyes no longer had that certain life flickering in them...But once again were soulless and cold. He looked to the sleeping girl on the bed as he sat down on the window and rested his head against the sill, soon drifting to sleep himself.

Though Wrath’s sleep was anything but restful...The girl was tossing and turning on the bed, her eyes were squeezed shut as beads of sweat started to form on her forehead as she clenched at the pillow. The memories...The haunting memories of her former life...Taunting her, teasing her, telling the tale of a life that she couldn’t remember. She soon awoke, sitting upright as the sweat fell down her face. Letting out a light sigh, she shook her head and looked toward the boy who looked like he would fall off the window sill and land on the street. Frowning a little, she got back up and pulled Pride off the windowsill and back into the room. Being careful to not wake the boy up, she gently laid him down on the bed and sat down on the window sill and looked out at all the buildings and down at the empty street below.

Pride yawned slightly as he opened an eye, he cocked his head slightly as he quietly sat up and walked toward the girl. "Do you want to leave here?" He whispered.

"Huh? What’re you talking about?” She asked, looking back at Pride with a cocked head.

"You seem like you don't like it here...Or something's bugging you..."

"I'm fine, I’m just thinking that’s all..." She whispered, looking up at the clear night sky. She didn’t want to worry Pride by mentioning what she remembered, if anything she only wanted to forget.

"I'm sorry about how I acted...I just don't like seeing you like this..."

She gave a slight shrug in response and got back to her feet. "Really, don't worry about it..." She murmered, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Pride watched her sit on the bed as he let out a sigh. "W-Why won't you talk to me...?"

"Pride really, there's nothing to talk about."

Pride sighed as he looked down and placed his hand on the dusty floor and sat down.  "I won't bug you about it any more then..."

The girl blinked, cocking her head slightly as she looked down at Pride. "You don't have to stay down there you know..."

"The floor's more comfortable than the dresser." He said quietly.

“That wasn’t what I meant Pride...” She whispered as the boy cocked his head, looking over his shoulder. "There's more than enough room on here for the both of us."

Pride slightly laughed, shaking his head. "After what I did, I don't need to take up room. You can have the bed." He muttered.

“You sure…?” Wrath asked quietly, a frown was starting to form on her face.

He nodded, smiling. "Don't worry about it." She was still a bit hesitant, but she nodded slightly and laid back down. Pride leaned back against the wall, closing his eyes. Shaking her head slightly, she yawned and pushed herself up so that she was sitting up and got off the bed. Sitting down next to Pride, she cuddled up next to the boy and went back to sleep. Pride looked down with a pair of pink cheeks. "What the hell was that...?" He asked to himself quietly, blinking cluelessly. But soon after a while he closed his eyes, seeing that his night of sleep was interrupted quite often. After a few hours of sleep he cuddled next to her.

"Mpph.." Pride groaned, waking up a few hours later as he opened an eye to notice his back was uncomfortably bent. He blinked for a few moments, feeling a bit stiff as he yawned feeling that the 'pillow' under his head wasn't quite as fluffy as he'd hope. Wrath stirred slightly in her sleep from the movement but she didn't wake up, scooting up against Pride. He looked down, feeling something warm against his body. After a few minutes of his eyes trying to get themselves focused he made a high-pitched squeak as he jerked back only to keep his lap in the same place, but forcing his head to hit roughly against the wall.

Wrath let out a slight yawn, stirring a little in the boy’s lap. "What was the yelling for...?" She asked groggily, looking back at Pride with one eye.

Pride kept his head pressed against the wall. "Nothing-I just...You...-" He whispered. Since she was still half asleep she didn’t seem to notice what kind of position the two were in, yawning a little as she went back to sleep. Pride sighed slightly, quickly taking his hand off of Wrath's back but once he did his eyes flashed a lighter gold. He gasped slightly as his head lowered, another taunting memory flooded his mind. A young girl was resting on his chest and the blonde boy he was, was awake. The boy was leaning back against a bed with a pair of half-lidded eyes. His fingers rested on the woman's head, tangled in her hair as he drifted to sleep. The boy blinked, looking down to Wrath before his eyes faded in color.

"Star..." The boy whispered hoarsely, placing his hand gently on her head. He lifted his head so that it faced toward the ceiling. "What have we been doing? I’ve turned into my own enemy..." He whispered weakly.

She yawned, opening one eye and looked back up to the boy. "What're you talking about...?" She asked groggily.

Pride looked down before his eyes slightly darkened. "What are you talking about?"

"What did you mean by 'what have we been doing'?" She asked, raising a brow.

"What the hell are you talking about? I was sleeping." He grunted.

"No you weren't..."

"Half asleep...Same difference..."

"But why did you say that...?" She asked.

"...I don't know." He whispered. Wrath blinked, at seeing where she was she instantly sat back up and rested on her knees as she could feel her cheeks starting to flame up. "Nice of you too wake...Wake up too..." He stuttered, swallowing what felt like cotton in his throat. Pride turned his head as he pushed himself up. "Lets get out of this place... The smells getting to me..."

She only nodded slightly as she got back to her feet, the look on her face was one that hinted to embarrassment. "What're we gonna do about the eye patch bastard and the boy?"

"Don't know...Why are you so worried about them...?" He asked, wiping his face slightly.

She shrugged, looking out the window. "There's something strange about them, I just can't put my finger on it."

“Anyways...I say we get rid of them tonight.” Pride said, a sinister grin was starting to form on the boy’s face as he climbed out the window and onto the roof.

She smirked, following the boy out the window. "I couldn't agree more."

Pride skimmed each building with the top of his foot, running toward the headquarters with Wrath hot on his trail behind the boy. Little did the two young homunculi know, Alphonse Elric was at a familiar home...Going though a pile of Star's belongings in her old home. Al sat on his knees in the cold basement, his fingers began to feel numb as he searched and searched, finally obtaining the object that he was searching for. Al smirked, taking the hairbrush that obviously had strands of Star's hair...And even some of Edward's since the boy practically used everything the girl had. He plucked a golden strand of hair and then several blue as he tucked them safely in his pocket and headed back toward headquarters.

Al ran inside of the building, running into Mustang's office where many people were gathered. He snaked through the crowd as Roy lifted his head. "You found something?" Al nodded, sticking his hand in his pocket. Roy smiled, nodding slightly. "Then we’ll wait until one of them decides to come play." He chuckled.

Why do I have such a bad feeling about this...? She thought to herself as she ran by Pride, shaking her head slightly as if trying to shake the sensation from her mind.

"What’s on your mind?" Pride asked, slightly smirking as he kept a steady pace.

“Nothing...” She murmured. She stopped when she felt the surface of the military building under her boots, taking a knife out of her skirt pocket.

Pride smirked, clapping as the scythe appeared in his hand. "I say we take them all out this time...That way we won't have to worry about anything...And we can leave this trashy city..."

Wrath smirked, letting out a slight snicker as she nodded. "Agreed. Now...Where are they...?"

"Inside probably..." Pride muttered, leaning over the side of the building. He cocked his head as his he hung upside down from the drainpipe.  

Fury shivered, pointing to the top of the window with a pair of wide eyes. "I-It...It's him!"

"Time to have a little bit of fun Pride..." She smirked, jumping off the edge of the roof and landing catlike on her feet outside of the window. Her bangs had fallen slightly in her face as she looked at the petrified soldiers looking out the window with a sinister grin, in between her fingers rested one of her poisonous knives.

“I’ll handle this on my own...” Mustang whispered, looking toward the window. The look on his face was one of fierce determination, he knew the homunculi’s weakness and now they had it obtained. So maybe it was possible to stop the murderers that had plagued Central and caused the destruction of many soldiers. His subordinates looked hesitant but they quickly left the office and closed the door just as the two young homunculi climbed into the window.

"Oh, so the Flame Alchemist thinks he can take us on alone? Foolish mistake." Wrath cooed, a wicked smile was starting to form on the girl’s lips as she started to circle Mustang like a wolf encircling its helpless prey.

"I have something you can't touch me with..." Mustang chirped.

Pride shook his head. "We'll kill you before your hand can reach into that pocket of yours" He smiled, holding the end of his scythe near the Furher’s neck.

"So, if you’re smart I'd suggest giving in without a struggle."

"What kind of smart man gives into a battle that’s already lost?" Mustang snapped, bringing up a gloved hand near his face.

"Nah ah ah, can’t let you use your flames now can we?" She purred, using the knife to cut the circle on the man’s gloves as she held a separate knife to his throat.

Roy growled, reaching into his pocket as he clenched to the hair in his hand. He grabbed the wrist that threatened his throat as he stared at her hatefully, the look on his face was one of pure spite. Pride snickered as he walked around him while Wrath had the man occupied, pressing the neck of the scythe to his spine.

"Hmm, would you like to do the honors Pride?"

Pride smirked. "Gladly." He then lifted the blade upward as the long dagger at the end of the pole scratched and teased the man's shoulder blades. Roy shouted and arched his back slightly, clenching the strands of hair in his pocket even harder.

"Oh what’s the matter, can't take a little pain?" She asked tauntingly, smirking as she started to encircle Mustang again. The girl had a cruel, wry smile on her face, holding a blade in her right hand as an extra precaution.

Roy opened an eye painfully before being struck with the blade again. His knees wanted to give out...Why was he carrying it out like this? It was if as if he were waiting for something. "You can...Hurt me all you want..." Mustang hissed. "But if I’m the last person you kill...So be it."

"Trying to be noble now, are we? It won't do a bit of good, that kind of ploy won’t work on us.”

"Besides...Once your dead...You won't be here to protect them like mother goose...Will we?" Pride snickered, digging the blade further as the Furhur's eyes shot wide.

Wrath smirked, closing an eye. "I do admire your nobleness, but like I said it won't do a bit of good. You're just another worthless, senseless human."

"Then you homunculi...So to speak...Are much better...?”

"Guess you could put it that way." She cooed.

"Killing man-kind...Just because you think they're fools...?" Roy said, rather coldly as his eyes followed the girl circling him.

"You really think that’s the only reason...?"

"Give me a good reason...To kill all my men.." Roy hissed, eyeing her sharply.

"Hmm, now why should I explain myself to you?" She asked.

"I'm going to die anyway..." Roy smirked, turning his head.

"Hmm, now that I think about it I don't think I will. Pride..." She said, giving him a nod.

Pride snickered as he pushed the scythe forward against the man’s back as Roy opened his mouth and let out a sharp groan of pain.  "Y-You cowards..." Roy spat, arching his back wildly.

"Your really in no position to talk." She hissed lowly, growling.

"Neither are you two..." Mustang grunted, opening an eye. "But we alchemists...Aren't afraid to die...Definitely for their own men. A boy I once knew told me that...I thought there was a chance of bringing him back...But now...I'm having my doubts..."

“Well to bad, he’s dead and he’s not coming back.” She hisses as she raised a brow. All of the sudden she backed away slightly, her eyes shutting tightly as she heard another voice in her head one that sounded similar to hers...But she knew it wasn’t hers... Dammit...Shut up...Shut up! She let out a low growl as she shook her head to try to be rid of the voice that was plaguing her mind.

Roy looked to Wrath as he felt the scythe begin to pull back, his legs and spine were very thankful. "A young girl...Would most likely have thought the same thing...At the mere thought or sight of death...She immediately acted...And did what she could to help the family in need. Thinking of other's before herself..." Mustang whispered.

After a few long minutes, the dark, soulless eyes that had belonged to Wrath turned warm with a slight reflection in them. If only for a few minutes, the internal battle had been won...Star’s soul managed to take back over even if she wouldn’t be present for very long.

Pride sneered, looking upward. "Wrath what are you doing!?" He snapped. "Kill him!" Mustang shook his head, swallowing hard.

She shook her head no as her response, looking sadly toward the boy. "Ed...What've we become...?" She whispered.

"Ed? Don't tell me your going insane like that other little bastard!" He said, a bit confused as Roy closed his eyes, smiling slightly. Again she shook her head, a frown was now starting to form on her lips. Come on Ed...Please fight it...

Pride's eyes narrowed as he dropped the scythe to the ground, slightly shaking as he took a step back. Roy hissed slightly as the air began to sting his back. Warm blood leaked through his uniform as he closed an eye and took the hand out of his pocket. Pride's eyes closed before they opened to be lighter in color and had a slight reflection in them. He looked down for a moment as his hands unclenched.

"Mustang..." The boy said hoarsely, looking down at the Furhur's back. "You're bleeding..."

W-what the hell have we been doing...? She thought, her face was slightly pale and she was visibly trembling as she dropped the knife as it landed on the floor.

Mustang straightened his back the best he could as he turned his head and looked over his shoulder. "Nice of you two to drop by." He said with a smile.

She didn't answer right away, looking down as she bit her lower lip. "...We really should go before they take over again." She said quietly.

Roy looked down. "I've gotten you two to come back...It's proof that you're not all the monsters we think..." Mustang whispered.

Edward stepped forward as he clapped, transmuting a few bandages. "It's the least I can do..." He muttered, setting them on his desk. He grabbed Star's wrist as he looked to the window.

Mustang looked up. "Why are you so hasty to leave?"

"We can't stay, especially with the risk of Pride and Wrath taking back over any minute now...”

"There won't be much more of this..." Mustang whispered. "We'll stop it...Until you can stay, without worrying about them...”

Ed looked up and nodded slightly, though he didn't have a bit of hope in his mind that the chance of that happening was slim to none. "C'mon Star..." He whispered.

She gave a very slight nod as she climbed out the window after the boy, closing an eye as she jumped on the roof. Kicking off slightly, she followed Ed back toward the abandoned building which served as their home for the present time.
Now that it has been revieled that Star and Edward are still alive, will the military be able to destroy the two young homunculi who had murdered so many men and terrorized Central? Is it even possible for two souls to be present and sharing one body? Questions abound as the news begins to spread among the subordinates who knew the two the best...Leading up to another confrontation as Pride and Wrath continue to question themselves.

Ch. 7: Lost Chances
© 2006 - 2024 Wrath-Chu
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kittyfan228's avatar
I hope Ed and Star really do come back...